Wednesday, December 31, 2008

tiny town

Saw this on Veer...Mom and I couldn't stop squealing over the cuteness. I have seen tilt-shift minature faking done in photo, but never in stop motion video. AMAZING.

Head over to the Vimeo site to see these in HD. Keith Loutit is my new hero!

Beached from Keith Loutit on Vimeo. has a great tutorial on doing this to photos.

And woah! Michael Kraus makes a version for the iPhone, available for $1.99 on iTunes. Quite a steal.

For more fun search "tilt-shift" on Google, and you'll be looking at this stuff all day!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

that snail sure looks cozy

Bethany spotted this Knit Snail Shell Cozy over on Craftzine:

Monday, December 29, 2008

i thought it was a sock monkey...

But I guess it is a Sackboy! Either way, it couldn't be cuter!

Thanks, Craftzine, for bringing this to our attention.

Monday, December 22, 2008

he finally did it!

This was another recent find of mine - I just cannot get over the adorableness:

(Yup, I guess I'm making up words now to express extreme cuteness. xo)

the snowmen that started it all

Bethany & I (and perhaps others, as we get this going) have a penchant for all things cute - baby animals and otherwise! So, while we certainly bow down to the amazingness that is Cute Overload, we recognize that there are plenty of other adorable things out there, that we'd like to keep in one central place.

So, without further ado: Melted Snowman Cupcakes, from!

This is adorableness at its finest, no? :) xo